Week One
Day One
- Introductions
- Drafting a Group Agreement
- As a class, we will create a group agreement that addresses respect and etiquette in the classroom. Students will be responsible for maintaining this standard throughout the semester. We are very lucky to have a representative group of students with different backgrounds and cultures. With this comes varying amounts of privilege and awareness, so it is important that we practice patience and empathy in the classroom. We must all continuously learn, be open to criticism, develop a consciousness about these discrepancies, and actively seek equity and allyship in the classroom and beyond.Introduce the Syllabus
- Explain Are.na, Print Are.na, and first assignment
- Archives Lecture
- Read Le Guin's "The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction"
- Introduce annotation strategy via Teams
- Read through the course syllabus
- Collect your 25 entries for the Type Collection (You do not need to print, they only need to be in Are.na)
- Please read Mindy Seu's "On Gathering"
- Please read Elizabeth Goodspeed's "Ye Olde Vibe Check"
Day Two
- Do Now: Lynda Barry's Spiral
- Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Discussion of Mindy Seu and Elizabeth Goodspeed's work
- Discussion in small groups then whole group
- Watch excerpts of Ben Denzer's "Parsons Lecture Series"
- Discussion in small groups then whole group
- Critique of work in progress Type Collection
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Begin 25 entries for Behavior Collection
- Complete your 25 entries for the Behavior Collection and refine your 25 entries for the Type Collection (they can still exist only in Are.na)
- Next Wednesday (August 28th), I’m going to ask us to have all three collections printed and bound(using Print Are.na, NO DESIGN YET)
- Read and annotate in Teams:
- Panos Kouros's "The Public Art of Performative Archiving"
- Jenny Odell's "Reading the Rocks"
Week Two
Day Three
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Discussion of Panos Kouros and Jenny Odell
- Discussion in small groups then whole group
- Zine-making Workshop
- Step One: select elements to collage from collected books
- Step Two: follow along with brief book binding tutorial
- Step Three: trim pages and mark holes
- Step Four: Begin stitching
- Share and Individual Meetings
- Complete your 25 entries for the Object Collection
- Make a digital book of all three of your collections using Print Are.na for in-class critique on Wednesday.
Day Four
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Critique of 3 Collections
- Type Collage on your Zines
- Layout Design and Individual Meetings
- Complete a first iteration layout of your Archive book. Some considerations:
- You may refine your 25 previous entries and will add 3 new entries (bringing the total to 28).
- This publication can follow any of the formats elucidated in Robert Bringhurst's The Elements of Typographic Style (pg. 142).
- For Wednesday's class, please print out your layouts scaled to Letter (8.5" X 11")
- You must include a front cover with a title and you should refine your text from part 1 into a 250 word introduction to your collection.
- Read and Annotate:
- Claire Bishop’s “Information Overload”
Week Three
Day Five
- Do Now: Elena Foraker (Our first Tuesday Talk on the
- Please select one image of hers that resonates with you
- Discussion of Claire Bishop’s “Information Overload”
- Layout Show and Tell
- Whole Class Layout Crit and Walkthrough
- Small Group Crit
- Complete a next iteration of the layout of your Archive book. Some considerations:
- You should print to scale and trim. We want to get a sense of its form.
- You should print in black and white; however, the final will be printed in color.
Week Four
Day Six
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- Joel Sternfeld
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Design Story Pechakucha Prep:
- Illustrate your design journey in a presentation (1920px X 1080px):
- Use only 5 Logomarks
- Use only 2 Typefaces
- Use only 2 Colors
- Use InDesign
- Only 5 pages
- Small Group Crit / Individual Meetings
- Complete your Design Story for the Pechakucha
- Complete a final iteration of the layout for your Archive book.
- Your final publication will be printed, bound, and documented by the 16th.
Day Seven
- Do Now: Discussion of Elena Foraker's Tuesday Talk
- Complete the form and loosely talk about some key take-aways
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Design Story Pechakucha
- You will each have 5 minutes to walk us through your design story and your slides.
- Individual Meetings for your final Layouts
- Bind and document your publication!
- On Monday, you will turn in as High-res PDFs:
- Three Print Are.na books
- Final Layout
- Documentation of bound book
- On Monday, you will turn in as High-res PDFs:
Week Five
Day Seven
- Group Crit of near final publications
- Introduction of Project 2
- Introduction to Design Manifestos
- Development of Tone of Voice
- Critique of Manifestos
- Revisit and revise publication (if necessary) for final turn in on Wednesday:
- Three Print Are.na books
- Final Layout
- Documentation of bound book
- Please write a rough draft of just your 200 word manifesto
on a 8.5”x 11” page. Consider the following:- at least 200 words articulate a personal position
regarding graphic design - at least 2 quotes (either directly quoted or
paraphrased) supporting your position. - a thoughtful selection of type — the document's type
choice be legible and lend the document personality.
- at least 200 words articulate a personal position
- Read and annotate Ramia Mazé's “Critical of What?”
Day Eight
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Introduction to Mike Mills
- Reading Discussion of Ramia Mazé
- Manifesto Analysis
- Manifesto Workshop/ Publication Documentation
- Submit Project 1 by the end of the day
- Please select one of the versions you liked best today, and then develop your rough draft to 300 words.
- Please come to class with 3 possible sketches of the A1 poster (594 x 841 mm). You should print and tile your options. Try out three distinct tones of voice for each poster
(you should have options to play with).
Week Six
Day Nine
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Introduction to Linked by Air
- Cargo Collective Introduction
- Poster Collection
- Small Group Crit / 1:1 Meetings
- Please develop your rough draft.
- Please develop your 3 sketches of the A1 poster (594 x 841 mm) with live text.
- Read and annotate Susan Sontag's "Posters: Advertisement, Art, Political Artifact, Commodity"
Day Ten
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Reading Discussion of Susan Sontag's "Posters: Advertisement, Art, Political Artifact, Commodity"
- Small Group Crit / 1:1 Meetings
- Please develop your draft.
- Please develop your A1 poster (594 x 841 mm) with live text.
Week Seven
Day Eleven
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Whole Class Crit of Posters
- Please develop your A1 poster (594 x 841 mm) based on class feedback. You do not need to print for next class!
Day Twelve
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Whole Class Crit of Remaining Posters
- Manifesto Exchange!
- Finish your Manifesto Exchange Poster
- Please develop your A1 poster (594 x 841 mm) based on class feedback. Please Print in Color for next class!
Week Eight
Day Thirteen
- Do Now: Looking Closer
- Whole Class Crit
- Finish your Manifesto Poster
- Please print final version on Satin
- Please submit the Hi-Res PDF to Canvas
Week Nine
Day Fourteen
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Manifesto Reflection
- As you complete your reflection, please check out your peer's posters
- Introduction to Project 3: Translations
- Motion and/or Website Collection
- You will select which design outcome you'd like to develop for your portfolio.
- You will create a collection in our shared are.na group for either Animations or Websites
- Politics & Design Lectures
- You will choose 2 videos to watch and summarize:
- Discussion in small groups then whole group
- Develop a list of key design considerations for "political design"
- Please finish the “Design and Politics” video from this presentation.
- Select a political or protest movement that interests you from outside the U.S.
- Collect at least 5 entries for your research on a political movement outside the US.
- Please decide if you would like to design a website or an animated video.
Day Fifteen
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Tutorial of Figma Wireframes
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Begin your research on a political movement outside the US.
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please collect 10 entries for your research on a political movement outside the US.
- Please develop 3 wireframes or storyboards for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
Week Ten
Day Sixteen
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Discussion of Political Movements for Graphic Design
- Adobe Max
- Erik Carter
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please develop 2 wireframes or storyboards for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
Day Seventeen
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Itinerary for Trip to Atlanta (leaving Sunday)
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please develop 1 wireframes or be ready to show a rough reel of your animated video for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
- Please read Max Read's "Drowning in Slop"
Week Eleven
Day Eighteen
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Atlanta Trip Recap
- Develop "Thank you Card" for Coke and Shaw
- Discussion of Max Read's "Drowning in Slop"
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Please develop a near final version of your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
- We will have a full class crit on Monday.
Week Twelve
Day Nineteen
- Final Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Final version of your project
Day Twenty
- Introduction to Collaborations
- Walkthrough of the various dimensions to this project.
- Assignment of roles within your project
- Mood-boarding
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Develop your mood board for your assigned role with your partner
- Complete any additional revisions to your Project 3
- We will have until Wednesday of next week to turn in Project 3
Week Thirteen
Day Twenty-One
- Field Trip to Digital Learning Building
- Questions with the Digital Learning Team
- Measurements of the Space
- Introduction to the Design Tender Template
- Work Time
- I will hold workshops for each group in class.
- Within your group please develop Sketches in the Design Tender Template for your role:
- For the Icon System, I'd like you to develop four versions of four icons (W.C./Stairs/Your choice). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Way-finding Signage, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of three signs (Arrival/Directional/Destination). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Meeting Rooms, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of two posters (24" x 18"). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Muralists, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of a large scale mural (2400px x 350px). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Client-Facing Presentation, I'd like you to set up a standard presentation (16:9) showcasing three options for type pairings and layouts.
- For Support workers, you will be assigned to a role for this week to help. You will take on that assignment based on need.
Day Twenty-Two
- Meet with your Team
- Narrow your designs to three options
- Send sign type sketches to Google Drive and then collate them into the Design Tender Template (found on Canvas)
- Critique of Edited Design Tender
- Work Time
- Within your group please determine your homework based on our class crit
- The annotations are posted here